Saturday, October 11, 2008

Rec Leagues for Softball, Soccer, Basketball etc in Arlington VA

On Friday I was recruited to play softball for a co-ed rec league that's based out in Alexandria. My old college teammate asked me to join them for a makeup game - and then told everyone that I played 1st base in college. Seeing as how that was years ago - she only set me up for failure! (That's me on the right at bat...key the song "Glory Days")

In case you're interested, I did have an error (the first ball that was actually thrown to me after 3 long innings), but I redeemed myself with a triple! I'm still unsure if i'll be invited back.. :(

For those of you that are interested in meeting some new people in Arlington, below is some information on local recreational sports teams in Arlington County. It's a great way to make new friends, network, and get some exercise!

Arlington offers the following sports:
Ball Hockey (looks a lot like street hockey)
Flag Football
Ice Hockey
RugbySoccer (both indoor and outdoor)
Softball (my personal favorite)
Ultimate Frisbee

Information for registration and deadlines can be found here.

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