As a 20-something Realtor, it took me a little while to get accustomed to handing out my card with a photo on it...let's just say that I blushed every time for the first 3-4 months. So friends started asking, "Why do agents put their photos on their business cards?" Because let's face it, agents and lenders mainly are the ones with OUR images on our cards, I can't think of many other industries where this is considered normal practice. So my explanation of late has been: it's harder for people to throw away things with a face on it - think business cards, postcards, letters, etc.
But why then....do some agents prefer not to put their photos on it? I've seen a VARIETY of different images on peoples cards for their photos, but yet still, some just have their logo and information.
For someone who HATES, and I mean HATES, getting their photo taken (especially professionally), this was so painful. I had an idea of what I wanted my photo to reflect: warm, friendly, open, a "hey, come talk to me" look. This is what I came up with:
It's actually a black and white card except for the gold KW on the top, and I absolutely love it!!
So what do you think? Cards with photos - powerful marketing tools and/or an industry necessity, or egregious plug?
p.s. If you're in Virginia and looking for a GREAT photographer, check out Greg Brown at http://www.storytellersphotova.com/
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