Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Google-ing Yourself - Surprised By What You Find?

Every so often I like to type in "Laura Rubinchuk" into my google search to see what pops up - and i'm never disappointed by the hits that pop up! It seems my activerain, localism, and a few particular blogs have finally made it to the top. Before my adventure into blogging, my search results were always (mostly embarrassing) past Softball statistics and game recaps from my University of Rochester days as a Yellowjacket Softball player. I will be happy when those stats are finally on the LAST pages! (**Now I know you may be tempted to see how good - or bad - I once was, but please, spare yourself the trouble!)

I still find it interesting though what pops up - comments I have left on other peoples blogs, on websites about technology (in particular, one comment about how unhappy I was with a MacBook Pro and its' inability to work with real estate software), and other non-real estate related topics. Just makes me always remember to be careful in this technology driven area, where information is constantly at your fingertips, to be careful of where you leave your mark!! Especially on social networking sites, where I tend to dance the line between professional and personal lives, I always monitor photos/comments carefully to make sure it's painting the picture I want to portray!

Technology is a GREAT thing, but just remember, even if you delete it - someone, somewhere can find it online!

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